TBi’s mission is to help clients gain greater insights into how people prefer to think, learn and communicate, so they may harness the power of thinking styles for real-work application.
In a diverse cognitive environment, a message sent is not necessarily a message received. Some people respond well to facts, figures, and statistics. Others prefer anecdotes. Still others digest graphic presentations most easily. Information must be delivered in the preferred ‘language’ of the recipient if it is to be received at all.
HBDI™ is a unique, scientifically validated and internationally recognised tool for assessing thinking styles with multiple applications.
Thinking styles are so fundamental; one can easily overlook their profound influence on leadership development, team effectiveness, communication and conflict resolution, innovation cultural change and organisational learning.
Preference must not be confused with skills or abilities. For instance, you may prefer to approach problems intuitively but in fact may be better trained to approach them analytically.
Preferences are not rigid; most people can draw on a mixture of approaches. We often stretch outside the borders of our preferred operating modes if the conditions are right, and the stakes are high enough.
Cognitive preferences also reveal themselves in work styles and decision-making activities. Some people prefer to work together in solving problems, whereas others prefer to gather, absorb, and process information by themselves. Each type does its best work under different conditions.
But all the assessment and training in the world means nothing unless new understanding brings different actions. If you want an innovative organisation, you need to employ, work with and promote people who make you uncomfortable. You need to understand your own thinking preference so that you can complement your weakness and exploit your strengths. HBDI™ will help you understand yourself and will help others understand themselves and put your company’s whole brain to work.
- Known applications of the HBDI™ and the whole brain concept:
- Understanding of self (relationship with others, self-development)
- Personal growth (job design, organisational climate)
- Group process (organisational culture, learning delivery, management and leadership style, team building, staff interaction)
- Modelling (creative problem solving, creativity)
- Counseling (communication, educational, career planning, productivity)
- Management (productivity, communication, managing differences, team formation, strategic/operational, dealing with diversity, dealing with change)
“Understanding ourselves prepares us to understand and reach out to our life partners, family, colleagues and fellow team members.”
- Couples
- Schools
- Families
- Teams